
專案教師 楊鎮遠 助理教授
研究室 工程館4樓 E415
電話 04-23924505 ext 6215
傳真 04-23926617
電子信箱 cyyang@ncut.edu.tw
專題研究室 程序系統工程研究室E705


  • 英國University of Leeds, 化工博士


  • 成功大學工程科學系博士後研究員
  • 成功大學超級電腦計算研究中心博士後研究員
  • Research Fellow, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK
  • 國巨集團飛元公司研發工程師
  • 楠梓電子集團亞洲微電研發工程師
  • 高分子流變學
  • 高分子材料裂解回收技術
  • 複雜流體多尺度模擬
  • 奈米流體與奈米技術



  1. Chane-Yuan Yang, Chao-Lang Kao* and Pang-Yu Hung, (2022), Preparation of activated carbon from waste cation exchange resin and its application in wastewater treatment. Carbon Letters, 32, 461–474. SCI
  2. Chane-Yuan Yang, Yu-Shu Chien*, Heng-Yung Lin, Chao-Lang Kao, (2022), Evaluation of temperature effect on the performances of Li-ion battery in the charge/discharge process by ISO 12405-1 test: (II) Connections of LiFePO4 battery packs in series and in parallel. Journal of Technology, 37, 83 - 96. EI
  3. Yu-Shu Chien*, Heng-Yung Lin, Chao-Lang Kao,  and Chane-Yuan Yang, (2021), Evaluation of temperature effect on the performances of Li-ion battery in the charge/discharge process by ISO 12405-1 test: (I) LiFePO4 battery packs of electric vehicles. Journal of Technology, 36, 123-137. EI  
  4. Chane-Yuan Yang, Yu-Shu Chien, Jun-Hong Chou, Hsing-Ya Li and Chau Wei Hsieh, (2021), A simulation study of nonideal mixing effect on the dynamic response of an exothermic CSTR with Cholette’s model. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 19 (11), 1151–1166. SCI
  5. Chane-Yuan Yang, Ding-Chi Tsai and Yu-Shu Chien*, (2021), The strategy developed for high conversion and the multiplicity problems of biochemical reaction in a real CSTR with Cholette’s model. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 19 (12), 1245–1270. SCI
  6. Wei-Min Chiu, Chane-Yuan Yang,* Meng Ting Hsieh, and Yu-Shu Chien, (2021), Preparation of Oxidation-resistant Conductive Film Using Silver Nanowires and Reduced Graphene Oxide. Sensors and Materials, 33 (9), 3201–3212. SCI
  7. Chane-Yuan Yang, Yu-Shu Chien* and J.-H. Chou (2021), Simulation study of the nonideal mixing effect on the stability of continuous and discrete proportional control of a nonadiabatic CSTR based on Cholette’s model. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 44 (6), 519-531. SCI
  8. Chane-Yuan Yang, Yu-Shu Chien*, Jun-Hong Chou, Hsing-Ya Li and Chau Wei Hsieh, (2021), Application of Cholette’s model in non-ideal mixing CSTR: A simulation study on dynamic behavior. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 19 (4), 341-367. SCI
  9. Chane-Yuan Yang and Yulong Ding*, (2011), Multi-scale modelling of liquid suspensions of micron particles in the presence of nanoparticles.  Advances in Transport Phenomena, ADVTRANS 2, 295-331
  10. Chane-Yuan Yang, Yulong Ding*, Dave York and Walter Broeckx, (2008), Numerical simulation of sedimentation of microparticles using the discrete particle method, Particuology, 6, 38-49. SCI
  11. Yulong Ding, Haisheng Chen, Liang Wang, Chane-Yuan Yang, Yurong He, Wei Yang, Wai Peng Lee, Lingling Zhang and Ran Huo, (2007), Heat transfer intensification using nanofluids, KONA, 25, 23-38. SCI
  12. Chi-Chung Hua* and Chane-Yuan Yang, (2002), Entanglement loss in fast-flowing entangled polymer: Numerical simulation of the short-chain behaviour and interpretation of phenomenology. Journal of Polymer Research, 9, 79-90. SCI
