







駱安亞 教授




04-23924505 ext 7508






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教    授: 國立勤益科技大學 - 化  材  系 2020/08~present
訪問教授: University of British Columbia     2020/09-2021/07


訪問教授: University of British Columbia     2018/08-2019/07


副 教 授: 國立勤益科技大學 - 化  材  系 2016/02~2020/07
助理教授: 國立勤益科技大學 - 化  材  系 2014/08~2016/01
助理教授: 逢甲大學 - 材料科學與工程學系 2011/08~2014/08 
訪問學者: 中研院 - 原子與分子科學研究所 2012/07~2012/09
博 士 後: 中研院 - 原子與分子科學研究所 2010/09~2011/08
國立交通大學 材料科學與工程博士 (2010)
研究助理: 中研院-原子與分子科學研究所 2003/01~2008/02

  • 有序孔洞材料
  • 光觸媒
  • 燃料電池
  • 超級電容
  • 熱電材料


  1. 專題研究計畫:有序孔洞結構高熵光觸媒之開發提升光催化還原二氧化碳之效能 111-2221-E-167 -018 -MY3 (計畫主持人) 2022/08/01~2025/07/31
  2. 延攬博士後研究人才:有序孔洞結構高熵光觸媒之開發提升光催化還原二氧化碳之效能 111-2811-E-167 -003 -MY3 (計畫主持人) 2022/10/01~2023/07/31
  3. 專題研究計畫:以電泳沉積法合成二氧化鈰/尖晶石/巴克紙複合可撓式電極應用於超級電容 111-2221-E-167 -008 -MY3 (計畫主持人) 2022/08/01~2025/07/31
  4. 延攬博士後研究人才:以電泳沉積法合成二氧化鈰/尖晶石/巴克紙複合可撓式電極應用於超級電容 111-2811-E-167 -001 -MY3 (計畫主持人) 2022/09/22~2023/07/31
  5. 專題研究計畫:國立勤益科技大學基礎研究核心設施共同使用服務計畫(2/5) 111-2731-M-167 -001 - (總計畫主持人) 2022/01/01 ~ 2022/12/31
  6. "介孔/波長尺度大孔"複合光觸媒提升二氧化碳轉甲烷效能--2019/08/01~2022/07/31 科技部(主持人)
  7. 國立勤益科技大學-核心設施共同使用運作計畫(SEM)--20210101~20211231 科技部(主持人)
  8. 國際合作研究計畫-有序階層式"大孔/中孔/微孔"光觸媒作為UV-LED輔助氣體感測器"--20200801~20210731 科技部(主持人)
  9. 國立勤益科技大學自有貴重儀器共同使用服務計畫(SEM)--20180101~20181231 科技部(主持人)
  10. 以可回收之"磷鎢酸/砒碇丙基磺酸鹽"(PPS-TPA)複合觸媒開發纖維素之碳化/孔隙化製程,作為超級電容之電極材料--20180801~20190731科技部(主持人)
  11. 國立勤益科技大學自有貴重儀器共同使用服務計畫(SEM)--20181201~20191231 科技部(主持人)
  12. 無集電層RuO2/石墨烯/Super-P/CNTs/Nafion複合正極之開發及其於用於軟封包超級電容之研究--20170801~20180731 科技部(主持人)
  13. 國立勤益科技大學自有貴重儀器共同使用服務計畫(SEM)--20171201~20181231 (主持人)
  14. 高比表面積碳材料之氣體吸附效能研究,中科院--2017/04/19~2017/11/30 (主持人)
  15. 纖維素製備奈米纖維素之生產技術研發,核能研究所--2017/07/05~2018/07/04 (主持人)
  16.  (大眾科學教育計畫)      科普活動:大手攜小手,科學齊步走—106學年度屏東縣全民科學計畫,20170801~20180731 科技部(共同主持)
  17. 延攬科技人才 (延攬博士後研究人才介孔結構熱電材料..., 20160701~20170731 科技部(主持人)
  18. 國立勤益科技大學自有貴重儀器共同使用服務計畫(SEM)--20161201~20171231 科技部(主持人)
  19. 新型有機/無機複合均相/異相催化劑的開發及其於生物質轉化之應用--2016/7/1~2017/2/28科技部 (擔任指導教授)
  20. 延攬科技人才 (延攬博士後研究人才介孔結構熱電材料..., 20150301~20160229 科技部(主持人)
  21. 碳氣凝膠基超級電容產品開發,利機企業--2014/10/15~2016/11/30 (主持人)
  22. 新穎介孔結構熱電材料及其複合材料之開發-- 2013/08/01~2014/07/31 國科會 (主持人)
  23. 大專學生研究計畫:中孔碳材與奈米碳管複合材料應用超電容研究-- 2013/07/01~2014/02/28 國科會 (擔任指導教授)
  24. 專題研究計畫:介孔結構熱電材料:製程最佳化、與焊錫間之界面穩定性、及光熱/光電/熱電複合發電元件之開發--主持人 2014/8/1~2017/7/31 科技部 (主持人)
  25. 新穎介結構熱電材料及其複合材料之製程開發、鑑定與應用-- 2012/05/01~2013/07/31 國科會(主持人)
  26. 生物氫燃料電池之觸媒研發-- 2012/07/21~2012/09/13 中央研究院 (訪問學者)



A.SCI 期刊論文:

  1.  Yi-Chen Chung, Ade Julistian, Lakshmanan Saravanan, Peng-Ren Chen, Bai-Cheng Xu, Pei-Jie Xie, An-Ya Lo* (2022) Hydrothermal Synthesis of CuO/RuO2/MWCNT Nanocomposites with Morphological Variants for High Efficient Supercapacitors. Catalysts 2022, 12(1), 23 (IF=4.501)
  2. K Ayisha Begam, N Kanagathara*, MK Marchewka, An-Ya Lo* (2022) DFT, hirshfeld and molecular docking studies of a hybrid compound - 2,4-Diamino-6-methyl-1,3,5-triazin-1-ium hydrogen oxalate as a promising anti -breast cancer agent. Heliyon 8 (2022) e10355 (IF=3.776)
  3. N Kanagathara, R Bhavani, An Ya Lo, MK Marchewka, Jan Janczak, Structural, vibrational characterization and DFT calculations of urea: DL-malic acid (1: 1)–co-crystal. Journal of Molecular Structure 1270 (2022) 133930 (IF=3.841)
  4. Yi-Chen Chung, Pei-Jie Xie, Yi-Wei Lai, An-Ya Lo* (2021) Hollow TiO2 Microsphere/Graphene Composite Photocatalyst for CO2 Photoreduction. Catalysts 2021, 11(12), 1532 (IF=4.501)
  5. A.Y. Lo*, F. Taghipour* (2021). Ordered mesoporous photocatalysts for CO2 photoreduction. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Accepted, (Impact Factor:12.732; SCI, 29/333).
  6.  A.Y. Lo*, F. Taghipour* (2021, Jun). Review and prospects of microporous zeolite catalysts for CO2 photoreduction. Applied Materials Today, 23, 101042. (Impact Factor: 10.041; SCI, 39/333).
  7. L. Saravanan, C.M. Tseng, C.C. Chang, Y.C. Chung, C.Y. Lin, A.Y. Lo* (2020, Sep). Pt–RuO–SnO/CMK-3 composite electrocatalysts for the methanol oxidation reaction. Comptes Rendus Chimie, 23 (4-5), 343-356. (SCI, 88/178). 
  8.  A.Y. Lo*, C.C. Chang, Y.W. Lai, P.R. Chen, and B.C. Xu (2020, May). Improving the Supercapacitor Performance by Dispersing SiO2 Microspheres in Electrodes. ACS Omega.
  9. A.Y. Lo*, L. Saravanan, C.M. Tseng, F.K. Wang, and J.T. Huang (2019, Dec). Effect of Composition Ratios on the Performance of Graphene/Carbon Nanotube/Manganese Oxide Composites toward Supercapacitor Applications. ACS Omega, 5 (1), 578–587. 
  10. L.H. Lai, A.Y. Lo*, K.S. Chuang, H.H. Lin, Y.C. Liu, P.L. Liu, J.P. Lin (2017, Feb). Optically stimulated luminescence radiation response of Au/Al2O3 phosphors. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 140, 61-67.
  11. A.Y. Lo*, Y.C. Chung, W.H. Hung, Y.C. Hsu, C.M. Tseng, W.L. Zhang, F.K. Wang, C.Y. Lin (2017, Jan). Pt20RuxSny nanoparticles dispersed on mesoporous carbon CMK-3 and their application in the oxidation of 2-carbon alcohols and fermentation effluent. Electrochimica Acta, 225(2017), 207–214. (SCI, 4/28).
  12. T.C. Huang, L.C. Yeh, G.H. Lai, B.S. Huang, T.I. Yang, S.C. Hsu, A.Y. Lo* & J.M. Yeh (2017, Jan). Advanced Superhydrophobic Electroactive Fluorinated Polyimide and Its Application in Anticorrosion Coating. International Journal of Green Energy, Volume 14, 2017 - Issue 2. (SCI, 25/58).
  13. B. Song, Y. Chu, G. Li, J. Wang, A.Y. Lo, A. Zheng, F. Deng (2016, Nov). Origin of Zeolite Confinement Revisited by Energy Decomposition Analysis. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120 (48), 27349–27363. (SCI, 30/144).
  14. Q.P. Tran, J.S. Fang, A.Y. Lo, T.S. Chin (2016, Nov). p-Type highly conductive and transparent NdF3-doped tin oxide films prepared by dip coating. Thin Solid Films. (SCI, 6/17).
  15. L.C. Yeh, T.C. Huang, Y.J. Lin, G.H. Lai, T.I. Yang, A.Y. Lo*, J.M. Yeh (2016, Oct). Electroactive polyamide modified carbon paste electrode for the determination of ascorbic acid. International Journal of Green Energy, 13(13), 1334-1341. (SCI, 28/58).
  16. T.C. Huang, L.C. Yeh, G.H. Lai, F.Y. Lai, T.I. Yang, Y.J. Huang, A.Y. Lo, J.M. Yeh (2016, Jun). Electroactive polyurea/CNT composite-based electrode for detection of vitamin C. Express Polymer Letters. (SCI, 21/82).
  17. L.C. Yeh, T.C. Huang, F.Y. Lai, G.H. Lai, A.Y. Lo, S.C. Hsu, T.I. Yang, J.M. Yeh (2016, Apr). Synthesis of electroactive polyazomethine and its application in electrochromic property and electrochemical sensor. Surface & Coatings Technology, 303, 154-161. (SCI, 5/17).
  18. A.Y. Lo, C.Y. Huang, L.Y. Sung, and R.F. Louh (2016, Jan). Low Humidifying Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells with Enhanced Power and Pt−C−h-SiO2 Anodes Prepared by Electrophoretic Deposition. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 4(3) 1303-1310. (SCI, 27/163).
  19. An-Ya Lo, Chien-Yao Huang, Lung-Yu Sung, Rong-Fuh Louh (2015, Oct). Electrophoretic Deposited Pt/C/SiO2 Anode for Self-Humidifying and Improved Catalytic Activity in PEMFC. Electrochimica Acta, 180, 610–615. (SCI, 4/28).
  20. A.Y. Lo*, Y. Jheng, T.C. Huang, C.M. Tseng (2015, Sep). Study on RuO2/CMK-3/CNTs composites for high power and high energy density supercapacitor. Applied Energy, 153, 15-21. (SCI, 7/83).
  21. R. Madhu, V. Veeramani, S.M. Chen, A. Manikandan, A.Y. Lo, Y.L. Chueh (2015, Jul). Honeycomb-like Porous Carbon–Cobalt Oxide Nanocomposite for High-Performance Enzymeless Glucose Sensor and Supercapacitor Applications. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 7(29), 15812-15820. (SCI, 23/260).
  22. A.Y. Lo*, C. Wang, W.H. Hung, A. Zheng, B. Sen (2015, Apr). Nano-and Biomaterials for Sustainable Development. Journal of Nanomaterials, 501, 1-2. (SCI, 122/260).
  23. W.H.Hung, S.N. Lai, A.Y. Lo (2015, Apr). Synthesis of Strong Light Scattering Absorber of TiO2–CMK-3/Ag for Photocatalytic Water Splitting under Visible Light Irradiation. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 7 (16), 8412-8418. (SCI, 23/260).
  24. W.H. Hung, T.M. Chien, A.Y. Lo, C.M. Tseng, D. Li (2014, Sep). Spatially controllable plasmon enhanced water splitting photocurrent in Au/TiO2–Fe2O3 cocatalyst system. RSC Advances, 4, 45710-45714. (SCI, 35/148).
  25. M.C. Ho, C.H. Chao, A.Y. Lo*, C.H. Chen, R.J. Wu, M.H. Tsai, Y.C. Huang, W.T. Whang*, “Significant improvement of thermoelectric characteristics for zwitterionic polysquaraine composite films”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 141, (2013) 920-92IF=2.234, Ranking: 51/232
  26. Y.C. Huang, J.H. Lin, I.H. Tseng, A.Y. Lo, T.Y. Lo, H.P. Yu, M.H. Tsai, W.T. Whang, K.Y. Hsu “An in situ fabrication process for highly electrical conductive polyimide/MWCNT composite films using 2,6-diaminoanthraquinone”, Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 87, (2013) 174–181. IF=3.328; Ranking: 1/24
  27. C.Y. Wong, S.K. Chen, A.Y. Lo*, C.M. Tseng, C.Y. Lin, S.B. Liu*, “Roles of organic acids on electrocatalytic performances of direct alcohol and direct bio-hydrogen fuel cells at anode” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 38, (2013) 12984-12990IF=3.548, Ranking: 12/81
  28. A.Y. Lo, C.T. Hung, N. Yu, C.T. Kuo, S.B. Liu “Syntheses of carbon porous materials with varied pore sizes and their performances as catalyst supports during methanol oxidation reaction”, Applied Energy, Vol. 100, (2012) 66-74.IF=4.781; Ranking: 7/81
  29. N. Yu, Y. Ding, A.Y. Lo, S.J. Huang, P.H. Wu, C. Liu, R. Tan, D. Yin, Z. Fu, D. Yin, C.T. Hung, Z. Lei, S.B. Liu, “Gold nanoparticles supported on periodic mesoporous organosilicas for epoxidation of olefins: Effects of pore architecture and surface modification method of the supports” Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, Vol. 143, (2011) 426-434.IF= 3.22, Ranking: 8/71
  30. A.Y. Lo, N. Yu, S.J. Huang, C.T. Kuo, and S.B. Liu, “Fabrication of CNTs with controlled diameters and their applications as electrocatalyst supports for DMFC” Diamond and Related Materials, Vol. 20 (2011) 343-350.IF=1.8, Ranking: 67/232
  31. A.Y. Lo, S.B. Liu, C.T. Kuo, “Effect of temperature gradient direction in the catalyst nanoparticle on CNTs growth mode”, Nanoscale Research Letters, Vol. 5 (2010) 1393-1402. IF=2.73, Ranking: 23/125
  32. A.Y. Lo, C.S. Sun, W.S. Tseng, C.T. Kuo, “Process and properties of the carbon nanotube assisted LiCoO2 thin-film battery electrode by pulsed laser deposition”, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, Vol. 27 (6) (2009) 3067-3072. IF=1.271, Ranking: 96/245
  33. Z.B. Lei, Y. Cao, L. Dang, A.Y. Lo, N.Y. Yu, S.B. Liu, “Adsorption of lysozyme on spherical mesoporous carbons (SMCs) replicated from colloidal silica arrays by chemical vapor deposition”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 339 (2009) 439–445. IF=3.068, Ranking: 42/134
  34. Z.B. Lei, S.Y. Bai, L. Dang, H.A. Xia, Q. Xu, Y. Cao, L.H. An, M. Zhao, A.Y. Lo, S.B. Liu, “Fe2O3/SBA-15 catalyst synthesized by chemical vapor infiltration for Friedel–Crafts alkylation reaction”, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, Vol. 123 (2009) 306-313. IF=3.22, Ranking: 8/71
  35. Z.B. Lei, M. Zhao, L. Dang, L. An, M. Lu, A.Y. Lo, N. Yu and S.B. Liu, “Structural evolution and electrocatalytic application of nitrogen-doped carbon shells synthesized by pyrolysis of near-monodisperse polyaniline nanospheres”, Journal of Material Chemistry, Vol. 19 (2009), 5985-5995. IF=5.099, Ranking: 17/232
  36. A.Y. Lo, S.H. Liu, S.J. Huang, C.T. Kuo, S.B. Liu, “Hollowed carbon capsule based Pt–Fe/carbon electrodecatalysts prepared by chemical vapor infiltration method”, Diamond and Related Materials, Vol. 17 (2008) 1541-1544. IF=1.8, Ranking: 67/232
  37. S.H. Liu, W.Y. Yu, C.H. Chen, A.Y. Lo, B.J. Huang, S.H. Chien, S.B. Liu, “Fabrication and characterization of well-dispersed and highly stable PtRu nanoparticles on carbon mesoporous material for applications in direct methanol fuel cell”, Chemistry of Materials, Vol. 20 (2008) 1622-1628. IF=6.4, Ranking: 13/232
  38. W.S. Tseng, C.Y. Tseng, P.K. Chuang, A.Y. Lo, C.T. Kuo, “A High Efficiency Surface Modification Process for Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes by Electron Cyclotron Resonance Plasma”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Vol. 112, (2008) 18431-18436. IF=4.524
  39. S.H. Liu, R.F. Lu, S.J. Huang, A.Y. Lo, W.H. Chen, W.Y. Yu, S.H. Chien, S.B. Liu, “Fabrication of highly dispersed Pt nanoparticles in tubular carbon mesoporous materials for hydrogen energy applications” , Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, Vol. 165 (2007) 853-856.
  40. A.Y. Lo, S.H.Liu, S.J. Huang, H.K. Shen, C.T. Kuo, and S.B. Liu, “Synthesis of uniform carbon nanotubesby chemical vapor infiltration method using SBA-15 mesoporous silica as template”, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, Vol. 165 (2007) 409-412.
  41. S.H. Liu, R.F. Lu, S.J. Huang, A.Y. Lo, S.H. Chien and S.B. Liu, “Controlled synthesis of highly dispersed platinum nanoparticles in ordered mesoporous carbons”, Chemical Communications, (2006) 3435–3437. IF=5.787
  42. A.Y. Lo, S.J. Huang, W.H. Chen, Y.R. Peng, C.T. Kuo, and S.B. Liu, “Template-assisted synthesis of mesoporous tubular carbon nanostructure by chemical vapor infiltration method”, Thin Solid Films, Vol. 498 (2006) 193-197. IF=1.935, Ranking: 4/18
  43. W.H. Chen, H.H. Ko, A. Sakthivel, S.J. Huang, S.H. Liu, A.Y. Lo, and S.B. Liu, “A solid-state NMR, FT-IR, and TPD study on acid properties of sulfated and metal-promoted zirconia: influence of promoter and sulfation treatment”, Catalysis Today, Vol. 116 (2006) 111-120. IF=2.993
  44. A. Sakthivel, W.H. Chen, S.H. Liu, S.J. Huang, A.Y. Lo, Y.H. Hsu, S.D. Lin, and S.B. Liu, “Acidity and catalytic behaviors of ordered mesoporous aluminosilicate materials containing zeolite building units”, Catalysis Letters, Vol. 108, (2006) 173-178. IF= 1.907
  45. W.H. Chen, S.J. Huang, H.H. Ko, A.Y. Lo, H.K. Lee, L.L. Wu, C.F. Cheng, and S.B. Liu, “Acidity and Sorption Properties of Nano-Sized Mesoporous Aluminosilicate Materials”, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, Vol. 156 (2005) 657-662.
  46. C.T. Kuo, C.H. Lin, A.Y. Lo, “Feasibility studies of magnetic particle-embedded carbon nanotubes for perpendicular recording media”, Diamond and Related Materials, Vol. 12 (2003) 799-805IF=1.8C.H. Lin, H.L. Chang, C.M. Hsu, A.Y. Lo, C.T. Kuo, “The role of nitrogen in carbon nanotube formation”, Diamond and Related Materials, Vol. 12 (2003) 1851-1857. IF=1.8

  B. 會議論文:
  1. A.Y. Lo, C.T. Cheng, W. Wang, C.C. Chang, J.M.Jehng, S.B. Liu, W.H. Chen (2018, Jul). Hydrolysis of lignocellulose and micro cellulose with novel ulfobetaine–tungstophosphoric acid catalyst. Annual Biotechnology Congress, Vancouver, Canada. MOST 106-2221-E-167-024.
  2. C.-T. Cheng, W.-H. Chen, W. Wang, An-Ya Lo, and S.-B. Liu (2017, Dec). Hydrolysis of waste wood with novel heteropolyacid-based ionic liquid catalysts. 4th International Congress on Catalysis for Biorefineries, Lyon, France.
  3. Cheng-Tso Cheng, Wen-Hua Chen, An-Ya Lo*, and Shang-Bin Liu201706月)。應用新型離子液體負載型磷鎢酸均 相催化劑於廢木材水解反應之研究。35th Taiwan Symposium on Catalysis and Reaction Engineering
  4. P.J. Lin, T.C. Huang, An-Ya Lo201602月)。使用聚苯胺水凝膠/金奈米粒子複合膜製備高敏感性抗壞血酸生物感測器之研究。Annual Meeting of the Polymer SocietyTainan。科技部:103-2221-E-167-037-MY3
  5. C.Y. Huang, L.Y. Sung, An-Ya Lo, and R.F. Louh (2016, Jun). Self-Humidifying PEMFCs with Enhanced Power and Pt-C-SiO2 Composite Anodes. 34th catalysis society of Taiwan, Taipei. MOST 103-2221-E-167-037-MY3.
  6. Y. Jheng, An-Ya Lo *, C.M. Tseng, W.H. Hung, Y.J. Chen (2016, Jun). Study on CMK-3 composite supercapacitors. International Conference on Applied Energy, Taichung. MOST 103-2221-E-167-037-MY3.
  7. P.W. Lin, T.C. Huang, An-Ya Lo (2016, May). Novel Carbon-Airgel/Au NPs composite catalyst for reduction of 4-NP application. Green Technology Engineering Application Conference, Taichung. MOST 103-2221-E-167-037-MY3.
  8. Y.C. Hsu, T.C. Huang, An-Ya Lo (2016, May). Synthesis CMK-3/Pt nanocomposite by impregnation method for catalytic reduction of 4- nitrophenol(4-NP) into 4-aminophenol(4-AP). Green Technology Engineering Application Conference, Taichung. MOST 103-2221-E-167-037-MY3.
  9. A.Y. Lo (Invited Speaker) (2015, Dec). Study of Pt-Ru-Sn alloy as anode electrocatalyst for bio-achol fuel cell. 2015 Global Research Efforts on Energy and Nanomaterials, Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan. MOST 103-2221-E-167-037-MY3. Invited Speaker.
  10. Q.P. Tran, J.S. Fang, A.Y. Lo, T.S. Chin (2015, Nov). Novel transparent p-type conducting oxide NdF3-doped SnO2 films by sol-gel dip coating. TACT 2015 International Thin Films, Tainan.
  11. T.C. Huang, L.C. Yeh, G.H. Lai, T.I. Yang, A.Y. Lo, and J.M. Yeh (2015, Nov). Synthesis of electroactive polyazomethine and its application in electrochromic property and electrochemical sensor. TACT 2015 International Thin Films. MOST 103-2221-E-167-037-MY3.
  12. A.Y. Lo*, Y.C. Chung, Y.C. Shu, W.H. Hung, C.M. Tseng, C.Y. Lin (2015, May). Sn Alloy Catalyst for Low-Molecular-Weight Carboxylic Acid and Alcohol Fuel Cells. The 10th International Green Energy Conference (IGEC-X), Taichung, Taiwan. MOST 103-2221-E-167-037-MY3.
  13. A.Y. Lo, C.Y. Huang, L.Y. Sung, R.F. Louh* (2015, May). Electrophoretic Deposited Pt/C/SiO2 Anode for Self-Humidifying and Improved Catalytic Activity in PEMFC. The 10th International Green Energy Conference (IGEC-X), Taichung, Taiwan. MOST 103-2221-E-167-037-MY3.
  14. W.H. Hung, H.L. Chen, An-Ya Lo (2015, May). Photo-induced Decomposition of Methyl Orange by Free-standing Mesoporous CMK-8 Membrane under 254 nm Light. The 10th International Green Energy Conference, Taichung. MOST 103-2221-E-167-037-MY3.
  15. Y. Jheng, A.Y. Lo*, C.M. Tseng, W.H. Hung, Y.J. Chen, Study on CMK-3 composite supercapacitors. International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE 2014) 30 May – 2 June 2014 
  16. Q.P. Tran, S. Kanchi, K.G. Krishnan, A.Y. Lo, C.M. Tseng, S.K. Chen, C.Y. Lin, T.S. Chin. A win–win strategy on waste-treatment and preparation gold of nanoparticle. 15th International Symposium on Eco-materials Processing and Design (ISEPD2014) Hanoi, Vietnam, 12-15 January 2014.
  17. C.Y. Wong, A.Y. Lo*, C.M. Tseng, C.T. Hung, S.K. Chen, C.Y. Lin, and S.B. Liu, Role of Organic Acids on Anodic Electrocatalyst in Direct Bio-Hydrogen Fuel Cell” 31th catalysis society of Taiwan, NCKU, Tainan, Taiwan 27-28 June 2013 
  18. C.Y. Wong, A.Y. Lo*, C.M. Tseng, S.K. Chen, S.B. Liu*, C.Y. Lin, “Effect of Organic Acid on Electrocatalyst Performance of PEMFC anode”12th International Conference on Clean Energy, Xi’an, China, 26-30 October 2012. 
  19. A.Y. Lo, C.T. Hung, S.H. Liu, C.T. Kuo, S.B. Liu “Micro-, Meso-, and Macroporous Carbons Supported Pt catalysts and Their Electrocatalytic Performances during Methanol Oxidation Reaction” 30th catalysis society of Taiwan, Hualien, Taiwan, June 28-29, 2012.
  20. T.H. Liu, P.H. Wu, C.T. Hung, X. Han, A.Y. Lo, T.C. Liu, S.B. Liu “Ordered Mesoporous Carbon Supported Bifunctional Pt-M (M=Ru, Fe, Mo, Sn) Catalysts for Applications in DMFC at Anode” 30th catalysis society of Taiwan, Hualien, Taiwan, June 28-29, 2012
  21. A.Y. Lo, C.Y. Wong, Effect of organic acid on PEMFC electrocatalysts. 中華民國力學學會年會暨第36屆全國力學會議, NCU, Taiwan, 17 November 2012
  22. A.Y. Lo, C.Y. Wong, Micro-, Meso-, and Macroporous Carbons Supported Pt catalysts and Their Electrocatalytic Performances during Methanol Oxidation Reaction. 第七屆氫能與燃料電池研討會, NCYUT, Taiwan, 26-27 Octomber 2012. 
  23. A.Y. Lo, N. Yu, S.H. Liu, C.T. Kuo, S.B. Liu “Effect of pore size of the carbon porous supports on catalytic performance of DMFC at anode”, International Green Energy Conference, Waterloo, Ontario ,Canada, June 1-3, 2010.
  24. N. Yu, A.Y. Lo, S. J. Huang, C.T. Hung, and S.B. Liu, “Effects of Pore Architecture and Surface Modification Method of the Supports on Epoxidcation of Olefins over Gold Nanoparticles (GNPs) Supported on Periodic Mesoporous Organosilicas (PMOs)” The 28th Taiwan Symposium on Catalysis and Reaction Engineering (TSCRE-28), Taipei, Taiwan, June 24-25, 2010. 
  25. A. Y. Lo, N. Yu, S. H. Liu, C. T. Kuo, and S. B. Liu, “Effects of Pore Size of Carbon Porous Materials on Catalytic Oxidation of Methanol in DMFC” The 28th Taiwan Symposium on Catalysis and Reaction Engineering (TSCRE-28), Taipei, Taiwan, June 24-25, 2010. 
  26. A.Y. Lo, N. Yu, S.J. Huang, C.T. Kuo, and S.B. Liu, “Fabrication of CNTs with controlled diameters and their applications as electrodecatalyst supports for DMFC” 4th International Conference on New Diamond and Nano Carbons, Suzhou, China, May 16-20, 2010.
  27. S. Bai, Z. Lei, A.Y. Lo, P.H. Wu, and S.B. Liu, “Highly Active Fe2O3/SBA-15 Catalyst Synthesized by Chemical Vapor Infiltration” The 27th Taiwan Symposium on Catalysis, Material, and Reaction Dynamics, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, June 25-26, 2009.
  28. Z. Lei, M. Zhao, A.Y. Lo, N. Yu, and S.B. Liu, “Electrocatalytic Propertiy of Pt Catalyst Supported on N-doped Carbon Shells for Methanol Oxidation” The 27th Taiwan Symposium on Catalysis, Material, and Reaction Dynamics, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, June 25-26, 2009.
  29. A.Y. Lo, N. Yu, and S.B. Liu, “Macroporous Carbon for Applications in Direct Methanol Fuel Cell: Effect on Methodology of Metal Loading” The 4th Asian Conference on Electrochemical Power Sources (ACEPS-4), Taipei, Taiwan, November 8-12, 2009. 
  30. A.Y. Lo, S.B. Liu, C.T. Kuo, “Effect of temperature gradient on CNTs growth”, 2009 International thin films conference, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec. 14-16, 2009 
  31. S.H. Liu, M.T. Wu, C.C. Chiang, A.Y. Lo, and S.B. Liu, “Platinum Supported on Aminio-Functionalized Ordered Mesoporous Carbons as Electrodecatalysts for Oxygen Reduction”, The 2nd Conference of New Diamond & Nano Carbons (NDNC-2008), Taipei, Taiwan, May 26-29, 2008.
  32. W.Y. Chiu, A.Y. Lo, S.H. Liu, Z.C. Wang, and S.B. Liu, “Deposition of Mg Nanoparticles on Graphite for Hydrogen Storage Application—A Preliminary Study”, The 2nd Conference of New Diamond & Nano Carbons (NDNC-2008), Taipei, Taiwan, May 26-29, 2008.
  33. S.H. Liu, M.T. Wu, C.C. Chiang, A.Y. Lo, and S.B. Liu, “Platinum Supported on Functionalized Mesoporous Carbons as Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction”, The 14th International Congress on Catalysis (ICC-14), Seoul, Korea, July 13-18, 2008. 
  34. S.H. Liu, C.H. Wu, A.Y. Lo, H.K. Lee, and S.B. Liu, “Tetraethylenepetamine-Modified Mesoporous Silicas for CO2 Capture” The A3 Foresight Program Meeting, Namur, Belgium, Sept. 7-8, 2008. 
  35. S.H. Liu, M.T. Wu, C.C. Chang, A.Y. Lo, and S.B. Liu, “Platinum Nanoparticles Supported on Nitrogen-Doped Ordered Mesoporous Carbons as Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction” The 3rd National Conference on Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cell, Tainan, Taiwan, Nov. 14-15, 2008.
  36. S.H. Liu, M.T. Wu, C.C. Chang, A.Y. Lo, and S.B. Liu, “Stable Platinum Nanoparticles Studded in Ordered Mesoporous Carbons by One-Pot Synthesis for Oxygen Reduction Reaction” The 3rd National Conference on Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cell, Tainan, Taiwan, Nov. 14-15, 2008.
  37. S.H. Liu, A.Y. Lo, C.C. Chiang, M.T. Wu, and S.B. Liu, “Novel Metals Supported on Mesoporous Carbons for Applications as Electrocatalysts in Direct Methanol Fuel Cells” Annual Meeting of the Chinese Chemical Society, Changhua, Taiwan, December 6-7, 2008.
  38. A.Y. Lo, S.H. Liu, S.J. Huang, C.T. Kuo, S.B. Liu, “Hollowed carbon capsule based Pt–Fe/carbon electrodecatalysts prepared by chemical vapor infiltration method”, 18th European conference on diamond, diamond-like materials, carbon nanotubes, and nitrides, Berlin, Germany, Sept. 9-14 2007. 
  39. S.J. Huang, L.H. Hsiao, S.Y. Chen, S. H. Liu, A.Y. Lo, S. Cheng, and S.B. Liu, “Characterization of Chiral Proline Derivative Anchored on Mesoporous SBA-15 Using Hyperpolarized 129Xe NMR Spectroscopy” The 2nd Asian-Pacific NMR Symposium (APNMR-2), Hsinchu, Taiwan, Oct. 12-14, 2007.
  40. S.J. Huang, S.H. Liu, A.Y. Lo, C.H. Huang, P.H. Wu, H.K. Lee, and S.B. Liu, “Organic Moieties on Organic-Functionalized Surfaces of Mesoporous Materials Using Hyperpolarized 129Xe NMR Spectroscopy”, The 16th Triennial Conference for the International Society of Magnetic Resonance (ISMAR-2007), Kenting, Taiwan, Oct. 14-19, 2007.
  41. S.H. Liu, Y. W.Yu, C.H. Chen, M.T. Wu, C.C. Chiang, A.Y. Lo, S.H. Chien, B.J. Hwang, and S.B. Liu, “Preparation of Well-dispersed and Highly Stable PtRu Nanoparticles on Carbon Mesoporous Materials for Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Methanol”, 2007 World Renewable Energy Conference-Pacific Rim Region (WREC-PRR-2007), Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 30 – Nov. 1, 2007. (Invited Lecture) 
  42. A.Y. Lo, S.H. Liu, S.J. Huang, S.B. Liu, “Pt-Fe Electrodecatalysts Supported on Hollowed Carbon Capsule”, The 7th Cross-Strait Catalysis Symposium, Hualian, Taiwan, Sept. 9-11, 2007. 
  43. A.Y. Lo, P.H. Wu, S.H. Liu, and S.B. Liu, “Fabricate Carbon Nanotubes with Designed Diameter by Using SBA-15 as Catalyst Template”, The 7th Cross-Strait Catalysis Symposium, Hualian, Taiwan, Sept. 9-11, 2007. 
  44. S.H. Liu, Y.W. Yu, C.H. Chen, S.J. Huang, M.T. Wu, C.C. Chiang, A.Y. Lo, S.H. Chien, B.J. Hwang, and S.B. Liu, “Fabrication of Well-Dispersed and Highly Stable PtRu Nanoparticles on Carbon Mesoporous Materials (CMMs) for DMFC/PEMFC Applications” The 7th Cross-Strait Catalysis Symposium, Hualian, Taiwan, Sept. 9-11, 2007. (Best Poster Award) 
  45. S.J. Huang, A.Y. Lo, S.H. Liu, and S.B. Liu, “Acidic Characterization of Sulfated and Metal-Promoted Zirconia Catalysts Using Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy”, The 7th Cross-Strait Catalysis Symposium, Hualian, Taiwan, Sept. 9-11, 2007.
  46. S.J. Huang, S.H. Liu, A.Y. Lo, P.H. Wu, and S.B. Liu, “Probing Organic Moieties on Organic-Functionalized Mesoporous Materials Using Hyperpolarized 129Xe NMR Spectroscopy” The 7th Cross-Strait Catalysis Symposium, Hualian, Taiwan, Sept. 9-11, 2007. (Best Poster Award) 
  47. S.H. Huang, S.H. Liu, A.Y. Lo, P. Wu, and S.B. Liu, “Acidity Characterization of Sulfated Zirconia and Alumina-Promoted Sulfated Zirconia Using Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy”, Annual Meeting of Chemical Society, Tamshui, Taiwan, Nov. 24-26, 2006.
  48. S.J. Huang, S.H. Liu, A.Y. Lo, P.H. Wu, H.K. Lee, and S. B. Liu, “Acidic Properties of Sulfated and Metal-Promoted Zirconia Catalysts Studied by Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy” The 15th International Zeolite Conference (IZC-15), Beijing, P. R. China, August 12-17, 2007.
  49. S.H. Huang, S.H. Liu, A.Y. Lo, P. Wu, and S.B. Liu, “Acidity Characterization of Sulfated Zirconia and Alumina-Promoted Sulfated Zirconia Using Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy”, Annual Meeting of Chemical Society, Tamshui, Taiwan, Nov. 24-26, 2006.
  50. S.J. Huang, S.H. Liu, A.Y. Lo, P.H. Wu, H.K. Lee, and S. B. Liu, “Acidic Properties of Sulfated and Metal-Promoted Zirconia Catalysts Studied by Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy” The 15th International Zeolite Conference (IZC-15), Beijing, P. R. China, August 12-17, 2007.
  51. S.H. Liu, R.F. Lu, S.J. Huang, A.Y. Lo, W.H. Chen, W.Y. Yu, S.H. Chien, and S.B. Liu, “Direct Synthesis of Highly Dispersed Pt Nanoparticles in Tubular Carbon Mesoporous Materials for Hydrogen Energy Applications” The 6th Cross-Strait Catalysis Symposium (CSCS-6), Dalian, P. R. China, Sept. 12-15, 2006. (Invited Lecture)
  52. S.H. Liu, R.F. Lu, S.J. Huang, A.Y. Lo, W.H. Chen, W.Y. Yu, S.H. Chien, and S.B. Liu, “Fabrication of Highly Dispersed Pt Nanoparticles in Tubular Carbon Mesoporous Materials for Hydrogen Energy Applications” The 5th International Mesostructured Material Symposium (IMMS-5), Shanghai, P. R. China, August 5-7, 2006. 
  53. A.Y. Lo, P.H. Wu, S.H. Liu, S.J. Huang, H.K. Shen, C.T. Kuo, S.B. Liu, “Novel Process to Fabricate Carbon Nanotubes Powders with Controllable Size by Using Mesoporous Silica as Catalyst Template”, International Conference on Superhard Coatings, Ein-Gedi, Israel, Feb. 27- Mar. 1 2006.
  54. S.J. Huang, S.H. Liu, A.Y. Lo, P.H. Wu, H.K. Lee, and S.B. Liu, “Acidic Properties of Sulfated and Metal-Promoted Zirconia Studied by Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy”, The 24nd Taiwan Symposium on Catalysis and Reaction Engineering (TSCRE-24), Taichung, Taiwan, June 23, 2006. 
  55. S.J. Huang, S.H. Liu, W.H. Chen, A.Y. Lo, P.H. Wu, H.K. Lee, and S.B. Liu, “Probing the Surface Organic Moieties on Organic-Functionalized Mesoporous Materials Using Hyperpolarized 129Xe NMR Spectroscopy” The Fifth Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology (TOCAT-5), Tokyo, Japan, July 23-28, 2006.
  56. A.Y. Lo, S.J. Huang, S.H. Liu, W.H. Chen, S.B. Liu, “Syntheses of Mesoporous Carbon and CNT Materials by Chemical Vapor Infiltration Method using Mesoporous Silicas as Templates”, The 5th Interntional Mesostructured Material Symposium, Shanghai, P. R. China, August 5-7, 2006. 
  57. A.Y. Lo, S.H. Liu, S.J. Huang, L.C. Wang, H.K. Shen,, C.T. Kuo, and S.B. Liu “Novel Process to Fabricate Carbon Nanotubes with Controllable Sizes by Using Mesoporous Silicas as Catalyst Templates”, International Conference on Superhard Coating, Kibbutz Ein-Gedi, Israel, Feb. 27–March 1, 2006. 
  58. A. Y. Lo, S. H. Liu, S. J. Huang, W. H. Chen, H. K. Shen, C. T. Kuo, and S. B. Liu ”High-Yield of CNTs with Controllable Sizes by Chemical Vapor Infiltration Method Using Mesoporous Silica Supported Fe Catalysts” Thin Film and Nano Technology Conference, Nantou, Dec. 23-24, 2005. (Best Poster Award). 
  59. S.H. Liu, R.F. Lu, S.J. Huang, W.H. Chen, A.Y. Lo, S. H. Chien, and S.B. Liu “Platinum Nanoparticles Studded in the Tubular Carbon Mesoporous Materials (CMMs)” Annual Meeting of Chinese Chemical Society, Kaohsiung, Nov. 19-20, 2005.
  60. A.Y. Lo, S.J. Huang, W.H. Chen, S.H. Liu, Y.R. Peng, C.T. Kuo, S.B. Liu, “Syntheses of Tubular Carbon Mesoporous Materials and Carbon Nanotubes by Chemical Vapor Infiltration Method”, The 23nd Taiwan Symposium on Catalysis and Reaction Engineering, Kaoshiung, Taiwan, June 23-24 2005. 
  61. W.H. Chen, S.J. Huang, H.H. Ko, A.Y. Lo, H. K. Lee, L.L. Wu, C.F. Cheng, and S.B. Liu “Acidity and Sorption Properties of Nano-Sized Mesoporous Aluminosilicate Materials”, The 4th Conference on Nanostructured Materials (NANO-IV), Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, June 8-11, 2005.
  62. W.H. Chen, S.J. Huang, A.Y. Lo, S.H. Liu, L.L. Wu, C.F. Cheng, and S.B. Liu “Acidity and Porosity Characterization of Nano-Sized Porous Aluminosilicate Materials” The 23nd Taiwan Symposium on Catalysis and Reaction Engineering (TSCRE-2005), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, June 23-24, 2005.
  63. A.Y. Lo, W.H. Chen, S.J. Huang, and S.B. Liu, “Synthesis nano-sized tubule carbon with cubic structure by chemical vapor infiltration method”, The 3rd Asian Conference on Chemical Vapor Deposition, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 12-14 2004

C. 專利 Patents:
  1. 發明專利,具二氧化矽微球之超級電容器電極及其製備方法,中華民國I718931202102~204004駱安亞、張家嘉
  2. 發明專利,以離子液體雜多酸觸媒奈米化纖維素之生產方法,中華民國,I684693202002~203806      陳文華、駱安亞、張家嘉、王蔚、陳信宏
  3. United States Patent, Method to control the magnetic alloy-encapsulated carbon-base nanostructures, Document number: 20040131795; Serial No.: 720065
  4. 發明專利,控制包覆磁性材料之碳基奈米結構製程1935872004/04/22~2022/12/26

  1. Reviewer: Journal of Material Chemistry A (impact factor: 12.732)
  2. Editorial board member: Processes (impact factor: 2.847)
  3. Reviewer: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (impact factor: 3.548)
  4. Reviewer: Materials Chemistry and Physics (impact factor=2.129)
  5. Reviewer: Applied Energy (impact factor: 4.781)
  6. Editorial board member: Journal of Materials Science and Research
  7. Chairman (Fuel Cell Section): 11th International Conference of Clean Energy (ICCE-2011), November 2-5, 2011
  8. Chairman: International Workshop on Kitchen Waste-Based Bioenergy, August, 27-29, 2012
  9. Cross-Strait Forum on Climate Change and Sustainable Energy, July 28-30, 2013
  10. 論文競賽評分委員31th catalysis society of Taiwan, NCKU, Tainan, Taiwan, June 28-29, 2012

